Thursday, 24 July 2014

Graphic Novel Review - Black Science Volume 1 - Rick Remender (Author), Matteo Scalera (Illustrator) & Dean White (Illustrator)

Graphic Novel Review - Black Science Volume 1 - Rick Remender (Author), Matteo Scalera (Illustrator) & Dean White (Illustrator)

Recommended for Adults/Older Teens

I received this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review

If you're after a science-fiction graphic novel to fill the void while you wait for the next volume of Saga, then congratulations! Your life just become awesome!

Black Science is the story of a team of scientists who unravel the key to travelling between the 'onion' (i.e. layers) of different dimensions, in the hope of finding various things like the cure to cancer, and a world where Phone Shop wasn't commissioned for E4. After someone sabotages the piller that allows them to travel and their homing beacon, they have to rely on random shifts to keep them going whilst hoping they'll be able to fix their equipment. Yes, that was pretty much the plot of Sliders, but it's a great plot, and it feels original here.

As with all new stories, you really don't know who is going to live or die, so there's a genuine sense of danger behind each page. The characters themselves are all realised and written brilliantly, and there's at least one death that will hit home hard when you've become invested in the story. The illustrations fit the grainy feel of the story well, and it's great seeing the different worlds that the characters visit, to see what the artists have pulled out of their imagination.

I had the same level of excitement reading this that I did reading Saga; I didn't want it to end, I want the next volume already, and I want to tell everyone I meet that they should read it too. It's a story with great promise, and the wait until the next volume will be a tough one!


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