Book Review - Pop Babylon - Imogen Edwards-Jones & Anonymous
Recommended for YA/Adults
I love the Babylon series. They're informative, funny, well-written, and always about areas that I know are going to have interesting stories. Pop Babylon is no exception, as you can well imagine the tales of celebrity-excess that are brought up within it's pages, as we follow the fictional (but based on real events told to the author by those in the business) year in the life of a band manager, as he tries to put together a new boy band to rise to the top of the charts.
Imogen Edwards-Jones has to be one of the best authors for getting me to pick up a book and then wondering where the hell the time has gone, as I always find myself completely glued to the text and desperate to know what real-life story is going to be re-told next. With Pop Babylon, she confirms a lot of what we expect to be true (the alcohol, the drugs, the groupies etc.) with a lot that we might not have realised about (what tricks you need to get your band to be signed) and breakdowns of the costs of working in the music business. Whilst I was mainly reading it to see just how shocking the stories of rock and pop excess were going to be, info about the breakdown of how profits are divided and shared amongst all relevant parties was both interesting and shocking when you learn just how little some pop stars actually earn for their work.
The Babylon series is so different from a regular non-fiction account as they really do read like stories themselves. I'm always eager to pick up another Babylon-account (I'm eyeing up Restaurant Babylon on the shelf as I type), and I'm forever putting them out on display in the library to encourage others to try.
You can't go wrong with something like this.
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